Newborn twin photography at home: Bertie and Polly

A little while ago I had a really wonderful session, photographing newborn twins at their home. I visited newborn Bertie and Polly, at home in Ashburton, Devon. It is always amazing, to be invited into the home of people who have just had a baby, as it is just such an incredible milestone in people’s lives. And in this case, not one but two beautiful babies, so something really quite special to capture. When I photograph newborns, I concentrate on building up a picture of them, from the tiny little fingers and toes, to the downy hair on their bodies, to their delicate features. Keeping everything very relaxed, I capture the details of the babies as naturally as I can. Children grow so incredibly quickly at this age, and it’s really special to have a record of them as newborns.
It is always lovely to see them nestling in to their parents, and with twins it was just wonderful to see babies snuggling comfortably up with each other. I love the image of Bertie and Polly cupped gently in their parents’ hands, and I absolutely adore the yawns and stretches from both of them. They were both really wonderful, and it was such a treat for me to photograph newborn twins at their home. I hope you enjoy seeing a selection of the photographs from the session: