Best family photography images: some of my 2018 favourites

Photographing families is one of my absolute favourite things to do. I obviously capture a lot of weddings too, and I also adore that. But there is something a bit different about family photography. With a wedding day, you are expected to have a photographer; you expect to have wonderful images of the whole event, that’s pretty much a given, however spectacular those wedding photos are. But this is just not the case with normal family life. The every day wonder that is the love and relationships between the members of your family. That incredible thing, that is constantly evolving and growing, and will never again be quite like it is right now. So this is why I feel so strongly about creating images that capture this. What could possibly be more precious than an image or set of photographs that sums up the awesomeness of your family right now; that contains all the feelings that you get from being together with your favourite people; that captures the love between you, the feeling in one of those hugs, and the wonder in a newborn’s face as it looks up at a parent. So that, as your family grows bigger and changes, and maybe spreads out and away from you, you will have this permanent record of what it was like, right at this moment in time. 

I have loved photographing families over this past year. Families in Devon, and around the south west, but I’ve also travelled to London and Bristol to catch up with clients from further away, and it has been such a huge pleasure every time. It’s amazing to see many of my previous wedding couples now with growing families, and to return to other families that I have photographed in previous years. I’ve loved photographing families at home, but also out enjoying beaches, woodland and other areas. I’ve captured newborn babies and older teenagers, grandparents with extended families and of course the family pets! Always the family pets. If you’d like some more information about booking a shoot for your own family then I’d love to hear from you – don’t keep putting it off, this bit of your lives is only here now. Here is a selection of some of my favourites from across the past year – I hope that you enjoy them!  

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