Dorset family photography: the Newman Family at home

I wanted to share this lovely Dorset family photography session. It was just so wonderful for me to to capture!

I photographed Nat and Mat’s wedding near Weymouth several years ago, then had the huge pleasure of photographing their family together at home in Dorset when baby Leo came along. So it was completely wonderful to visit them again with their latest arrival, Kit. In fact, our photography history goes back even before Nat and Mat’s wedding day, as we had a pre-wedding shoot on the Dorset hills with their gorgeous Border Terriers, Ludo and Ollie. So it completely made my day that we were able to get a photo of the entire family, Ludo and Ollie included, and the dogs even managed to pose for their own photo.

It’s always just such a pleasure to photograph young families at their own home, as it just creates such a relaxed experience for everyone. I loved seeing Leo playing in his bedroom, as well as capturing everyone on the family bed together. Ludo was dead set on photobombing everyone on the bed, which made me laugh so much. Anyway, enough waffle – here is a look at the lovely family images that we created. If you’d like to find out more about booking your own Dorset family photography then please do get in touch – I’d absolutely love to hear from you!

A baby boy smiling up at his motherA young boy sitting on a sofa with a babyMother and baby sitting on a bed togetherA young boy playing with a train set in his bedroomA young boy playing in his bedroomDorset family photography - a mother and her young son laughing together on a bedA mother and son cuddling togetherDorset family photography - a family sitting on a bed with a border terrier photobombing the imageDad holding his baby and looking at each other Young boy cuddling his baby brother on a sofaA young boy cuddling his dadA baby on a sofa with yellow cushions Two young brothers cuddling togetherA baby sleeping on a bedMother and father cuddling a small baby together during a Dorset family photography shoot at homeDorset family photoshoot - a Mum, Dad, young boy and baby laughing on a bed togetherDorset family photography: Dad kissing his baby son in a bedroomPortrait of a baby sleeping on a bed, at home in DorsetTwo border terriersRelaxed Dorset family photography, a Dad and son playing on a sofa togetherA portrait of a family and their dogs at home in DorsetA young boy on a sofa with his dad, laughing togetherDorset family photography - a family of four on a sofa together with their two dogs

For more information about family photography, you can take a look here, or just get in touch with me and I can have a chat with you about options for your own session. Sessions can take place at your own home, or out on location somewhere that you all enjoy spending time. The South West is blessed with some of the most gorgeous locations, so let me know if you’d like me to suggest options. If you live further away, then I can travel to you, just get in touch and we can chat about details.

You can see some other family photography sessions on my blog here:

Cassandra, Martyn and Bram at home in London

The Sevink family at home in Devon

The Ireland family on the beach

Best family photography: a round up of 2018

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