Family photos: me in the picture
Now, this is a slightly different post to normal. These beautiful photos are not taken by me, but by the really rather wonderful Sarah Lauren Photography. On this rare occasion, I am actually in the pictures, as these are photographs of my own family, taken earlier last year.
When people get in touch with me to enquire about a photo session for their family, the thing that I hear, again and again, is that there is one person who is never in the photos. Whichever family member loves holding the camera the most – in our case, this is me. Which means that I have so many gorgeous photos of my family, but hardly any with me in them as well. When my children grow up and look back at their family photos, I want them to see us all. I want to capture those moments cuddling and playing with me, not just each other. I want them to have photographs that show their childhood with both their parents in it! Without sounding overly sentimental and making myself cry (too late), I want them to see wonderful images like these, that show beautiful times that we spent together, to capture fragments of their childhood, show them how loved they always were.
Don’t keep putting it off. Don’t find excuses about how now isn’t the best time for it. Just go ahead and grab this time with your family, and make sure you are in the photographs as well. You won’t ever regret it.
I love these photographs more than I can ever say. Not just because they are utterly beautiful, with that incredible colour palette: the river, the boats and the sand; the early evening light. But because they capture my family, hanging out on the beach, having fun. A moment in our family history, a little snapshot of our lives to remember forever. All of us together, with me in the picture.

All images copyright Sarah Lauren Photography. For more information about Sarah’s work, visit her website here.