A Somerset family photography session

I photograph families across the South West, and wanted to share with you this lovely Somerset family photography session. It was such a pleasure to head up to North Curry and photograph the Langston family. Sophie and Tom told me that they had a really nice walk that they could take from their house, but even so, I’m not sure I was expecting it to be quite as lovely as it actually was. We walked from their front door, in a gorgeous circle through the church yard and across the fields outside the village.

I photographed Tom and Sophie’s wedding in this village back in 2013, and I particularly love the fact that you can see the church in the background on the hills. It’s also really lovely that we created all the images along a walk that they often do as a family together. I always think that photographs will have so much more meaning for your family like this. Images taken in your existing favourite places, doing the things that you normally do as a family together.

The views across the Somerset countryside were absolutely beautiful for this session, with the golden evening sunshine on the fields. We climbed on logs and swung from the trees, investigated bugs, marched up huge hills and did a lot of silly dancing in a field. It was pretty idyllic and we all had such a great time! When you have a family photography session, one of the most important things for me is that everyone enjoys it. I want you to have photographs that remind you of a really lovely time that you spent with your family, and carry those memories with them. I think we pulled it off with this session!

Parents with three children playing under a treeA Somerset family group photo in evening sunshinePhoto of a family laughing together on Somerset hillsSomerset family group photographsA family walking together through a fieldA family doing funny dancing on a hillsideThree children doing funny dancing on a hillsideThree children sitting and laughing together on a hillsideThree children doing funny dancing on a hillsideA family sitting together in evening sunshine with a church on the hills behind themA family walking hand in hand in evening sunshine with a church on the hills behind themA family walking together through long grass in evening sunlightThree children crouched in long grasses in a meadowThree children lying in long grasses togetherA family walking through a field of long grasses in evening sunshineA family walking down a Somerset lane together in evening sunshine

If you are looking for a Somerset family photography session, or anywhere else across the South West, then please get in touch and we can chat about options. I’d love to hear from you!

You might also like to have a browse through some other family photography sessions on my blog:

A relaxed family photography session in Devon

A round up of last year’s family photography favourites

Family photography at home in Devon

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