Brides cuddling together on Clevedon pier

Debs & Chris’s micro wedding in Clevedon

Getting married in 2020 has been an.. er.. interesting challenge. Coronavirus, the lockdown, social distancing, all the restrictions required. The situation is so difficult for everyone, and I feel so much for all the people that have been affected. From all the different wedding suppliers, to the guests, the friends and family members and of course, the couples themselves. One rather lovely solution to the situation, has been to arrange a micro wedding.

Debs and Chris were due to get married in June, but the lockdown situation meant they had to postpone. So I was really delighted when they got back in touch to say that they’d managed to find a date for a micro wedding in July. They were only able to have a handful of guests at the ceremony, and had full social distancing measures in place throughout. The restrictions also meant that they weren’t able to have any sort of drinks reception or party afterwards. But it was still the most wonderful occasion, and clearly an absolute joy for them both to be able to get married.

Their immediate family and closest friends were there to share the micro wedding with them, which was wonderful. Then we headed down to Clevedon Pier afterwards for some photos. Despite managing to pick the wettest day in a blistering summer of sunshine, we actually managed to dodge all the showers and made the most of the incredible skies! It was a really wonderful afternoon and I loved sharing their wedding celebrations. If you do have to have a micro wedding, rather than the bigger one that you had originally planned, there is nothing to stop it being just as special. As you can see…

Walton Park Hotel in ClevedonLeaves with raindrops on themYellow and white wedding bouquetSocially distanced seating plan for wedding ceremonyTwo women smiling at each otherColourful wedding dresses hanging up readyBride and bride getting ready togetherBest woman arriving with excited expressionWedding guests arriving and waving at each otherBrides' parents meeting at a social distanceBrides walking up the aisle togetherSocially distanced wedding ceremonyTwo brides exchanging wedding ringsBride and bride's first kiss during socially distanced ceremonyParents clapping brides' first kissBrides smiling at each other during wedding ceremonyJust married brides cuddling each other and smilingWedding guests clapping just married bridesJust married brides smiling at guestsParents congratulating bride after wedding ceremonySmiling best woman chatting to other wedding guestsWedding guests bumping elbows due to social distancingSmiling best man chatting to other wedding guestsMirror reflection of wedding guests chattingSocially distanced wedding group photoBrides walking hand in hand on Clevedon pierTwo brides kissing on Clevedon pierBride and bride smiling at each otherCouples taking selfies on Clevedon pierBride and bride on Clevedon pier with dark clouds in skies aboveBride and bride on Clevedon pier with dark clouds in skies aboveOminous dark clouds over ClevedonTwo brides in colourful dresses kissing in sunshineTwo women cuddling with heads close togetherTwo brides in colourful dresses smiling at each other

Wedding venue: Walton Park Hotel, Clevedon

Flowers: Kimberleys, Clevedon

Photos taken on Clevedon Pier

You might also like to have a look at these blog posts:

2019 wedding photography round up

Natalie & Aidan’s small family wedding at River Cottage

Kate & Kathryn’s relaxed wedding in Exeter

If you are planning a micro wedding and would like to chat about wedding photography, then please do get in touch! I’d love to hear about your plans.

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