A selection of family photographs on North Devon beaches

Family photography in North Devon

I love the big wide beaches in North Devon, so I was really delighted to photograph this lovely extended family at Saunton Sands recently. In fact, my whole family were delighted, as we all drove up together and my children and dog disappeared off exploring the beach with my husband, while I had fun in the sand dunes taking photos. Perfect! And obviously, if there are sand dunes there, they are begging children (and adults!) to leap off them…

I had a wonderful follow up email from father/grandfather Trevor, which I’d like to share part of here:

“The photos you took were wonderful and a true representation of our extended family. It is great to be able to see so many pictures of my children with their families enjoying ‘the shoot’… Your professional approach and relaxed handling of us all was excellent and I am sure that added to the enjoyment shown so clearly in your pictures… You made me feel I had known you for a long time and in fact you were, on that day, a member of our family. That is true professionalism.”

Huge thanks to Trevor for the kind words, and to all of this lovely family for being so much fun!

Children jumping off sand dunes
Children walking on the beach with grandparents
Children with their grandmother on the beach
A family jumping off the sand dunes at Saunton Sands
Children running on the sand at Saunton Sands
Children posing on the beach at Saunton Sands
Children walking along the sand in North Devon
Two brothers tickling each other on Saunton Sands beach
Father with two adult daughters on the beach
Mother laughing with two adult daughters
Children walking down to the sea

I hope you enjoyed the images! You can also like my page on Facebook here if you’d like to stay in touch with my work. Thank you, your support is very much appreciated!

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Kelly and Brian’s wedding at Saunton Sands, North Devon
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