Family photography: best of 2022
All the laughter, all the warmth and cuddles, all the love! This year of family photography has been an absolute whirlwind of joy, and the hugest pleasure to share. I’m such a huge believer in creating family photographs, as I know how ridiculously quickly these days pass. It’s just so important to grab the moment and freeze your beautiful family in time. Believe me, you will blink and it will all just be a memory! My children are all pretty much adults now. A moment ago, I was lifting them up in the air and kissing their toddler curls; feeling their little hands on my skin. Now they are taller and much more grown up than me. Still lovely, just in a very different way! And those childhood images are more precious than I ever realised at the time.
Anyway, back to 2022. I have LOVED photographing so many families this year! It has been a really wonderful mixture of smaller individual families and extended family get togethers; photographing people in their homes and out on location; at the beach, in the forest, on the river, at the park! It’s such a delight to photograph so much love. To create images that show you how much your children love you. Images with all of you in together. Photographs that your children will look back on and see the happiness you all shared together.
Huge thanks to all the wonderful families who invited me to photograph them this year. I’ve loved hanging out with you all so much. And if you are thinking about family photography in 2023 then I’d love to hear from you!

You can have a browse through some more of my family photography here:
Family photography round up 2021
Family photography location ideas
Find out more about how to book your own family photography session.