Smiling bride and groom walking through confetti at Brympton House

Best wedding photography: a selection of images from 2017

It is always one of my absolute favourite tasks at the end of each year, to go through all the weddings again and pick a selection of images for my end of year round up. As always, it is nigh on impossible to keep my favourites to a reasonable number. And that is because I was there at each wedding day, and followed each couple through the whole process. From the early preparations, to the moment of commitment during each ceremony, to the incredible celebrations afterwards. I know exactly how wonderful each of those days was, how joyful and funny and emotional and unforgettable. How important those guests were, their faces during the key moments, the emotions that passed between people. And I know how important the images were to the couples that asked me to photograph their day for them, and how much they will treasure them for many, many years to come. This is what I see, and what I feel, as I go back through the year and look at all these photographs again.

So I ended up including rather a lot of photographs here. Images that I love, each for so many reasons, and a selection that I hope gives a really great overall feel for what I have been up to and all the incredible days I have been lucky enough to have been invited to during 2017. A huge and heartfelt thank you to all the completely wonderful couples that I have worked with this year – you have all been utterly amazing and I have loved photographing your weddings and celebrations.

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